jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Joaquin Sama Awards and Mozarito

Good  evening,  children!
It was a great day for "La Antiguaª today. Our teacher Ester and her project "Mozarito"  was awarded with the Joaquín Sama awards.
Do you remember how  Morazito was dressed  during  Halloween?
Try it and enjoy yourself!

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lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

The first ten ordinal numbers. 5th grade. English

Hi children! Tomorrow we will study the first ten ordinal numbers and if you want to have a good time try this game.
See you tomorrow.

sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2014


Welcome to a new school year.
What about your summer? I hope you had a good vacation. Now it is time to start again.
We will have new projects and a lot of surprises in  the English subject.
This year I will work with 2nd, 5th and 6th Primary grades.
I will be also  the tutor of 5th grade so I am going to have a very moved year.
I have created two new blogs for working  in an old and in a new project.

The students of 5th grade will work the English subject through that blog. We are going to follow the experience that we started the last year for another year more. This was an  educative innovation  project  called  " betting  on bilingualism in school "

We were able  to publish the maganizes and here  are the results 

Publish at Calameo or read more publications.

The school year finished on June but not the project so I decided to participate in  The Verdejo Prizes. We will need money to publish the magazine physically and this could be a good way. Anyway if we will not be able we will resort to the sponsors again.

Publish at Calameo or read more publications.

http://doorbellmagazine.blogspot.com.es/  But we must to return to the new blog. We will work the project and the English subject through it. This blog is only to be used  by   the 5th  grade.

The most important of this blog is that all the students from the  5th group and the English teacher can contribute in  it with theirs works. Another important thing is that this year the students can choose which section want to do every month. And Finally  the finishing touch will be that all students and teacher can work in the blog at the same time and in different sections.
Anyway any member of the school community can visit us so I added the link into the SHERLOCK HOLMES blog. 

 All is prepared to begin. The students can find all the  English contents of the new education law (LOMCE) for 5th grade in the blog. Those are the contents that we will work during the course.

I hope we have a wonderful year!