lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017

Hello! 4th

Thursday, September 21st, 2017
get .........tener
laugh...... reír
follow.... seguir
sail ....... navegar
sting...... picar

- The alphabet.

- Nº 1-100

-Nº 1- 20

- Colors.

Wedenesday, September 20th, 2017

- What's your name? I'm Teresa / My name's Teresa,
- How old are you? I'm nine.
- How do you spell your name? T-E-R-E-S-A      
                                                    ti    i   a  i   es ei

- How about you?
- What's the letter?
- How many (boats) can you see?

Monday, September 25th, 2017

- How do you say.... in English?
¿Cómo se dice ....... en inglés? 

- What page are we on?
¿En qué página estamos?
- Can you pass the......, please?
Me pasas el/la........, por favor. 

- How do you spell ruler? r-u-l-e-r.
¿Cómo se deletrea regla? R-E-G-L-A
- I don't know. 
No sé

- Can you say it again, please?
¿Puedes decirlo otra vez, por favor? 

- Can I go to the toilet, please?
¿Puedo ir al cuarto de baño, por favor?

Wednesday, September 27th, 2017

- What does table mean?
¿Qué significa table?

- Can you help me, please?
¿Me puedes ayudar, por favor?

- What page is it?
¿Qué página es?

- I have a question.
Tengo una pregunta.

- Can you repeat that, please?
¿Puedes repetir eso, por favor?

- What's for homework.
¿Cualés son los deberes?

- I've finished.
He terminado


I like reading
I like writing
I like playing football
I like swimming.

Hello. 5th

- Asignaturas.
- Países e idiomas.
I'm  from Spain. I speak Spanish.
She's from Ireland. She speaks English.

- Descripciones de personas.
María has long blond hair and brown eyes.
She's wearing shorts and a T-shirt.
She likes playing tennis.

Hello. 1st

What's your name?

Red, yellow, gree, blue, orange, pink, purple.

Numbers: 1.....10

Hello. 3rd

What's your name?   My name's .................

How old are you?  I'm .......years  old.

How old are you? I'm ten, how about you?

Nº 1........20


Hello. Pre-primary. 5 years.

Pre-primary. 5 years,