sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

we have adopted a monument


   The Chapel "Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua" is one of the most famous building of the city. It has survived  many difficult situations.

    The emeritense historian, Moreno de vargas, wrote History of Mérida city in 1633, in which tells that the monastery Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua of the barefoot friars of Saint Francis Order was founded in 1576. Firstly, it was situated in The Santisima Trinidad Chapel, but as it had lack of water, later the monastery moved to the Sumptuous Antigua Chapel in 1578.

    The image of the Virgin was in the altar. People were very devoted to the Virgin and she was taken into procession, in which all the city took part. They asked for rain to the Virgin in order to avoid diseases and epidemics.

    The chapel was away from the city so the spiritual life was centred in religious services of the friars and some acts that took place in certain festivities.

    The chapel has always had problems with the floodings of the Albarregas river. In 1638, one of theses floodings brought down the walls of their gardens. This chapel had a large cloister convent, whose remains are still preserved. The convent became hermitage again when friars left it.

    During years it was in private hands, then it was renovated in 2006 and it became a place of cultural events. Some years ago was ceded to the Catholic Church.

    In 2011, The School " Ntra Sra de la Antigua"  adopted the Chapel of " Ntra.  Sra. de la Antigua".

Our news:
     Buenas tardes a todos los radioyentes de Onda Cero.
     Esta semana os queremos contar que ayer, 18 de abril, todo el cole realizamos una salida a la Ermita de la Antigua, debido a que fue el "día mundial del  Patrimonio Histórico".

      Antes de salir,  todos  nos colocamos nuestros trajes de Franciscanos, elaborados con papel continuo. Salimos sobre las 12:00  y llegamos allí enseguida,  ya que la Ermita está muy cerca. Entramos en ella para meter en una urna todas las peticiones que habíamos escrito. A continuación salimos de la Ermita, siempre en procesión, y todo el cole nos pusimos alrededor de ella para darle "un abrazo" agarrados de las manos. Luego, los alumnos de 6º de Primaria cantaron la canción "razones para creer en un mundo mejor y la acompañaron con flautas y violín".
 A continuación volvimos al cole.
Lucía 6ºB