On Monday will be Halloween. Here you are two stories that will be read tomorrow on Halloween Party, in the School.
One dark, misty night I drove home in the lonely hours after midnight. I had been attending a halloween party given by my best friend to celebrate the spirits of dead relatives. We each were encouraged to tell a ghost story relating to our own expierences. Of course I listened to each story as my friends tried harder and harder to be the scariest. They told tales of headless horsemen riding black horses down dark, lonely country roads, accounts of cold dark shadows floating at the foot of their beds, one lady recounted the story of huging her husband late at night and kissing his cheek before turning out to sleep only to sit bolt upright in the bed upon realising that her husband was away on buisness. Another friend regaled us with the following story; one night he was sleeping in his hospital bed after undergoing an operation for a broken leg, the pain must have woke him because he found himself in a lot of pain. After pressing the button to call the nurse and waiting, no one came. The pain was getting worse when a Doctor Green came to his bed and gave him some pain killers which he had taken from a bottle, the pain eased and he fell peacefully back to sleep. In the morning he told the nurse about the help he recieved from Dr Green, the nurse turned pale with fright as she told him that Dr Green had died one month earlier in the same bed as he lay in. My friend said that he must have dreamt it all, the nurse left and he went to take a drink when he saw the bottle on his locker that the doctor had used to take the medicine from, his blood ran cold. Next it was my turn to tell a tale of horror. I am afraid that I had to dissapoint them, I said that I do not believe in spirits , ghosts or any such nonsence. I have never seen, heard or expierenced anything more scary than than a dog that wanted to eat me one night for dinner. My friends warned me to be carefull about mocking what I don't understand, the truth has strange ways of revealing itself. I laughed at them and bade them good night and went on my way.
I was quite happy as I drove home listening to U2 on my C.D. player, earlier I tried to listen to my radio but there was nothing to be heard except Spanish music, it is scarier than any ghost story. About two miles from home I saw a what looked like a woman hitch hiking on the road in front of me. As I approached the woman I slowed down to offer her a ride. Just as I stopped my car I looked to my CD player to stop John shouting, when I lifted my head up the woman had dissapeared. I looked around and could find no sign of her. I started my car and resumed my journey and allowed John to continue shouting in my ears. Suddenly I felt a cold chill on my neck, I looked in the mirrow and saw the woman sitting in the back seat staring at me. My heart almost stopped as I hit the breaks, I swear I was out of my car long before it stopped. I shook my head, had I been dreaming or was it real. I had to know so I approached the car , I was probably crying a little but I can't remember. When I got to my car I heard an awful noise, John had finished and the Spanish music was on again. I looked inside but could see no one. Relieved I got back inside and drove home like a formula one driver. The next day I was driving along the same road when I saw some police men standing at the same spot where I had seen the woman. I pulled over and inquired of the policemen if everything was ok, they said they were just waiting for an ambulance to take the body of a dead woman to hospital. It looks like she had an accident about midnight last night and was dead at the wheel of her car. I frooze on the spot, I did not tell the police what I had expierenced in case they took me to the same hospital to put me in the lunatic ward. I got back in my car and recalled what my friends had told me about spirits revealing themselves. From that day on I never laughed at anyone telling a ghost story and to this day I have never been able to listen To John again.
El domingo por la noche en Estados Unidos se celebra una fiesta denominada Halloween. En nuestro afán por dar a conocer, no sólo la lengua sino también la cultura de los países de habla inglesa. mañana celebraremos con nuestros alumnos la fiesta de Halloween en el colegio. Para que vayáis haciendo boca ahí os copio dos historias narradas por una auténtico Irlandés apodado Sloss,
También os copio un enlace estupendo para que puedas jugar y divertirte y por supuesto aprender muchísimo sobre Halloween.