Good evening, my children!
How are you? I´m fine although I´m a little tired.
Os cuelgo los números. Mañana corregimos. Don´t worry and sleep well.
How are you? I´m fine although I´m a little tired.
Os cuelgo los números. Mañana corregimos. Don´t worry and sleep well.
.- one hundred and twenty-three million
four hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine.
234,567,890.- Two hundred and thirty-four million five
hundred and sixty-seven thousand eigh hundred and ninety.
Three hundred and forty-five million six hundred and seventy-eight thousand
nine hundred and one
Four hundred and fifty-six million seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand and
Five hundred and sixty-seven million eight hundred and ninety thousand one
hundred and twenty-three.
.- Six hundred and seventy-eight million nine hundred and one thousand and two.