jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

"Nuestra Señora de la Antigua" Chapel

 Mozarito es un personaje que nació a raíz de adoptar nuestro colegio,  la ermita de Nuestra Señora de la Antigua. Ésta se encuentra en la antigua ruta mozarabe, de ahí el apelativo cariñoso   de "Mozarito".
Os cuelgo un poquito de historia sobre la ermita, of course that the information is writting in English. Enjoy yourselves!

          The Chapel "Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua" is one of the most famous building of the city. It has survived  many difficult situations.

    The emeritense historian, Moreno de vargas, wrote History of Mérida city in 1633, in which tells that the monastery Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua of the barefoot friars of Saint Francis Order was founded in 1576. Firstly, it was situated in The Santisima Trinidad Chapel, but as it had lack of water, later the monastery moved to the Sumptuous Antigua Chapel in 1578.


  The image of the Virgin was in the altar. People were very devoted to the Virgin and she was taken into procession, in which all the city took part. They asked for rain to the Virgin in order to avoid diseases and epidemics.

    The chapel was away from the city so the spiritual life was centred in religious services of the friars and some acts that took place in certain festivities.

    The chapel has always had problems with the floodings of the Albarregas river. In 1638, one of theses floodings brought down the walls of their gardens. This chapel had a large cloister convent, whose remains are still preserved. The convent became hermitage again when friars left it.

    During years it was in private hands, then it was renovated in 2006 and it became a place of cultural events. Some years ago was ceded to the Catholic Church.

    In 2011, The School " Ntra Sra de la Antigua"  adopted the Chapel of " Ntra.  Sra. de la Antigua".

Language about Halloween

Algunas expresiones sobre HALLOWEEN.

Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of  October.
Halloween se celebra el 31 de octubre.
Halloween was originally a Celtic festival in Ireland.
Halloween proviene de una celebración en Irlanda

It is traditional to carve pumpkins on Halloween.
Es tradicional tallar calabazas en Halloween.

A jack o’lantern is a pumpkin carved with a scary face with a candle inside. 
El farol de calabaza es una cara que asusta tallada en una calabaza con una vela dentro.

Children go from house to house saying trick or treat asking for candy. 
Los niños van de casa en casa diciendo trato o truco para pedir caramelos.

Bobbing for apples is a Halloween game played by filling a tub with water and apples and trying to catch the apples with your teeth. 
Atrapar manzanas es un juego de Halloween que consiste en llenar una cubeta con agua y manzanas, las que debes atrapar con tus dientes.

Many villages light a bonfire on Halloween. 
Muchas villas encienden una hoguera en Halloween.

A costume party is a party where people dress in disguises. 
Una fiesta de disfraces es una fiesta en la que la gente va vestida con disfraces.

Lots of people wear a disguise on Halloween.         
Muchas personas llevan un disfraz en Halloween.

Some people wear masks to scare people. 
Algunas personas usan máscaras para asustar a otros.

Some people disguise themselves as a ghost by wearing a sheet.
 Algunas personas se disfrazan de fantasma llevando una sábana.

A witch is an ugly evil woman, wearing a black cloak and pointed hat.
 Una bruja es una mujer mala y fea, que lleva una capa negra y un sombrero puntiagudo.

Bats are scary mouse-like creatures that fly around.
 Los murciélagos son roedores espantosos que vuelan.

Some people decorate their houses with skeletons. 
Algunas personas decoran sus casas con esqueletos.

A zombie is a supernatural force that can make a corpse come to life. 
Un zombi es un cadaver reanimado por una fuerza sobrenatural.

People can decorate their houses with fake spiders and spider webs. 
La gente puede decorar sus casas con arañas y telarañas falsas.

People can decorate their gardens with fake tombstones. 
Las personsas pueden decorar sus jardines con lápidas falsas.

A haunted house is a house inhabited by ghosts. 
Una casa embrujada es una casa habitada por fantasmas.


People tell ghost stories on Halloween.
 La gente cuenta historias de fantasmas en Halloween.

There are many superstitions related to Halloween. 
Existen muchas supersticiones relacionadas con el Halloween.

Some people believe that evil spirits come out on Halloween.  
Algunas personas creen que espíritus malvados salen en Halloween.

Witches can cast spells or curses on people.
 Las brujas pueden lanzar hechizos y maldiciones sobre la gente.

Witches always have a black cat. 
Las brujas siempre tienen un gato negro.

       Happy Halloween!