El pasado curso estuvimos trabajando desde el área de inglés un ptoyrecto eTwinning "What a beautiful town" por el que se nos acaba de conceder un Sello Europeo de Calidad.
Este año nos impusimos un nuevo reto eTwinning : "Looking for news". En colaboración con siete socios europeos llevamos adelante el proyecto. Cada mes creamos una revista entre todos, de una manera sistemática y organizada. La primera acaba de ver la luz. Los alumnos de cuarto son los encargados de llevar a cabo el proyecto junto con su profe de inglés. Nos gustaría que otros profesores del Centro se unieran a nosotros, de esta manera sería aún más enriquecedora la experiencia.
Looking for news. October
Publish at Calameo or read more publications.
Este es el proyecto (la programación de lo que queremos hacer)
when participating in this project children will work together doing and publishing a magazine every month.
- Materias:
- Materias de Primaria
- Idiomas:
- Edad de los alumnos:
- 3 - 12
- Herramientas a utilizar:
- Chat, Diario del proyecto, email, Entorno de Aprendizaje Virtual (comunidades, clases virtuales, ...), MP3, Otro software (Powerpoint, video, fotos y dibujos), TwinSpace
- Objetivos:
- To develop the pupil´s communication skills in a variety of ways, through English language, and use of technology. And to develop pupils´ ability to use information technology in the learning process.
- Proceso de trabajo:
- The magazine can have several sections:
- 1.- Introducing a group of pupils and teachers
- 2.- Introducing a school.
- 3.- Introducing a town.
- 4.- Introducing a famous or important person.
- 5.- Introducing of a typical recipe.
- 6.- The corner of Pastimes.
- 7.- The corner of Crafts.
- 8.- The English class.
- No more than two pages per section For the elaboration of the sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 we can consider the date and the characteristics of the month.
- The ideal would be nine partners of different countries. One for every section and another for the front. In the English class section
- I propose the following contents:
- October: HELLO!
- November: FUN AT SCHOOL!
- December: CAN YOU PLAY!
- February: WHAT A DAY!
- April: MY TOWN!
- May: I WANT TO BE A ...!
- June: We will do an assessment in June.
- 16 pages can be a good number.
- The sections must be the same all the months. The only one change will be that every month will be written for different partners. The charge of making the "front page" will be the charge of create and publish the magazine (Calameo).
- To which are we going to dedicate each page ?
- PAGE nº 1 FRONT PAGE. In this page can appear the logo of the project, the title of the magazine, the month, the number of the magazine. The partner who publishes the magazine this month will be free to create the page (Calameo) and the look that the pages are going to have that month. The same partner that do the front page will do the page called “time for English class”
- PAGE nº 2-3 LET'S GO TO INTRODUCE OURSELVES.( With photos, dibujos, descriptions... what every one decides. so we can know the students and their teachers, no more.
- PAGE nº 4-5 LET´S GO TO INTRODUCE OUR SCHOOL. ( Similar that pages 2 and 3 but it will be with the school)
- PAGE nº 6-7 LET´S GO TO INTRODUCE OUR TOWN. The same that earlier.
- PAGE nº 12. CROSSWORD. RIDDLES. WORD SEARCH (an only page)
- PAGE nº 13 CRAFTS (Works made by our students)
- PAGE nº 14-15 TIME FOR ENGLISH CLASS. we have to create the issue with image, picture, words. It can be very simple or very complicated, it depends of the partner and his students´ imagination.
- PAGE nº 16 BACK PAGE. It is an empty page for closing the magazine.
- Resultados esperados:
- The magazines would be a good excuse to make small compositions, descriptions, interviews, pastimes, stories, recipes... They will be all written in English. We can create a blog where all of us can run it We will create a library inside the blog where will appear the different magazines and we can create different pages in the blog where every school make entrances of their own works. In the twinspace will go appearing the different magazines. Every one of us can edit the magazine in paper and distribute inside the school community.
- Y éstos somos los profesores y colegios que lo estamos llevando adelante.
Teresa Sánchez, CEIP Ntra. Sra. De La Antigua, EspañaSandor Traier, Liceul Teoretic "Lucian Blaga" Oradea, RumaniaElena - Gabriela Atănăsoaie, Gimnaziul '' Alexandru Ceusianu''Reghin, RumaniaCasey Lynchey,Peel Brow Primary, Reino UnidoGabriel Tudor, Private Kindergarten PINOCHIO, RumaniaDiana Ladariu, Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 5 Arad, RumaniaMaria Uryś, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi, PoloniaDorota Żukowska, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 37 im. Kazimierza Górskiego w Białymstoku, PoloniaHe creado un perfil de visitante para que los padres y demás miembros de la comunidad educativa puedan observar nuestra trayectoria dentro del proyecto,
como meros espectadores.Espero que disfrutéis tanto como lo hacemos nosotros.